Naughty Naughty Cafe Nero

As much as i love my deserts and i hate to turn my back on an old friend.
Even i know there is no excuse for the empty calories i eat time after time in Cafe Nero.

Cafe Nero Chai Latte – 13 Smart Points.
Cafe Nero Chocolate Fudge Cake – 23 Smart Points.

At 39 Points i have already gone over my daily limit without even blinking.


So….. me and my best friend ( the one who loses all the weight) decided no more fancy frothy drinks and no more big massive desserts.

So we strolled into Cafe Nero on Sunday and stole our usual cosy seat and i went to order.
Two pots of tea please – No milk/ No Points.
Hmmmmm , tea without treats did not sound appealing so i picked up a pack of two tiny little wafers from the counter and marched over to our seats super happy with my healthy choice.

Or so i thought.
16 Smart Points!!! – 16 Points for a wafer , no thank you Cafe Nero – no thank you!!!

Next time i shall get my tea and smuggle in some of my weight watchers branded cake slices.

Not so cheeky Nandos.

Regular Order
1 Medium Chicken Pitta – 8 Smart Points.
1 Peri Peri Chips – 16 Smart Points.
1 Peri Peri Rice – 7 Smart Points.
1 Gooey Caramel Cheesecake – 27 Smart Points.

I wont lie – i was pretty terrified when i pointed it too.

58 Points …. for one meal.

New Super Smart Order
1 Butterfly Chicken – 4 Smart Points
1 Mixed Leaf Salad – 0 Smart Points
1 Corn on the Cob – 5 Smart Points
1 Perinaise Dip – 6 Smart Points

Ok… so i could probably live without the mayonaise dip but i like it so i wont!!

15 Points for a Nandos – certainly something i wont complain about.

Still craving desert??
Nandos Toffee Gelado – 9 Smart Points
Nandos Passion Fruit Gelado – 6 Smart Points

Strong Start Sloppy Finish 23/2/17

After joining Weight Watchers on Saturday i decided that would be my last day of crazy portions and ridiculous treats and i would gather the information and facts and start solid on Sunday.

With my weight , height and age taken into consideration i was given a daily allowance of 37 points , i also have my 49 weekly which i plan to avoid like the plague.

Sunday –

Sunday i stayed well within my points by using 35 of my 37.Sunday was great i was up bright and early for a gym session with my best friend who has lost so much weight over the past couple of years she is the perfect example of a success story she kicks my butt and i need it.

Monday –

Monday i ate all 37 of my daily points and was stuffed.

Mondays are one of my longest days working from 9:30am-11:30pm so its really quite easy to stay on track. I have set break which means specific times i eat so if i prepare before hand its a pretty simple day.

Tuesday –

Tuesday i ate 35 of my 37 points.

Again Tuesday is one of my long days so easy to track and easy to stay on track.

Wednesday –

Wednesday (not so good). 38 points which meant i dipped into my weeklies for one point.

I had a slight pity party due to a killer migraine and as per default i made myself feel much much better with food. However this time i didn’t feel much much better , i felt annoyed and angry that i ate what i did as i had been so determined and on track. An early night with some Prison Break will help me sleep off any food thoughts.

Thursday –

So far so good! Back on track today with the help of my little niece who had a sleepover last night. She motivates me to get up early and have breakfast with her as im providing for her so may as well join in. We did have a not so naughty McDonalds breakfast which when i pointed was only 10 points! Much less than i expected but of course it wont become a habit. Stir fry is on the menu for tonight , loaded with veg and tones of beansprouts ill be well within my points for today. Weight day on Saturday is looming and i must honestly admit i am not feeling any healthier or any better about myself , but i know iv followed the plan each day as i should have so fingers crossed!